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Tuesday, 6 September 2016
Monday, 5 September 2016
Micro Soft Word : 8 Key Board Tricks
[alt]+[ctrl]+S = Splitting the Screen
[shift]+[F3] = Change Case
if you customized the status bar
If You Customized The Status Bar
[ctrl] + [=] = Subscript
[ctrl]+ [shift]+ [=] = Superscript
[shift]+[enter] = Line break without starting a new paragraph.
[ctrl]+[enter] = Line break with starting a new Page and Paragraph.
Selecting a rectangular block of text or column
Set the cursor at one corner of the block that you want to select. Then, holding down the [alt] and [shift] keys, move the mouse to select the block.
Such blocks get pasted in the same way they were cut or copied.
Undoing and Redoing
[alt]+[backspace] or [ctrl]+[z] = Undoing an action.
[shift]+[alt]+[backspace] or [ctrl]+[y] = Redoing an action.
hope you find something useful here….thanks